66th Festival de Cannes
Student Designer
Festival de Cannes, an internationally well-known film festival, which celebrates diversity, film, and great parties. Its elegance competes with the Oscars, and its sense of belonging competes with your local film festival. Festival de Cannes opens the possibilities and opportunities for everyone to submit their film creation and selects very lucky few to be featured. Cannes is a week full of fantasy. This is the fantasy of the filmmakers, who, with their imagination, creativity, and passion, created their masterpieces, in the hope of catching glimpses of opportunities in the industry and share their creations with the world. This is the fantasy of the actor and actress, who, with their skills and shining personalities, embody and express their characters in the film. This is the fantasy of film enthusiasts, who, with their excitement and enthusiasm, enjoy the pleasure of the film screening. This is the fantasy of all, to share their adoration along with the unforgettable atmosphere of Cannes. Imagining oneself fully immersed in a film, either as a filmmaker, actor/actress, or audience, it almost as seems they are in another world. It is when their fantasies turn to life.